In the event that you aren't quite tech-savvy or in case you have never managed a hosting machine, you might have some difficulties in specific circumstances when you need to handle a virtual or a dedicated machine. Since each standalone server has its own Operating System and various applications and processes running, you will most probably encounter different challenges like a frozen process or one that is loading the hosting server noticeably. With a shared web hosting account these things are handled by the service provider, but this just isn't the case if you use a hosting server of your own, consequently you have to resolve the problems yourself. If you do not have the abilities or the time to deal with such issues, you might consider the Managed Services upgrade that we offer. Among other things, it provides 24/7 monitoring of your hosting server and the processes running on it, so if anything happens, our staff can easily resolve the issue and restart the server to restore its proper functioning.

Monitoring and Rebooting in VPS Servers

In the event that you include the Managed Services upgrade to any of the VPS server services which we supply and so long as it is active for your account, our system admins shall monitor your hosting server constantly. Many automatic checks overseeing different system processes willbe added, so if any issue appears, our well-trained staff shall be notified immediately and shall work on your hosting server until the problem is resolved. If for whatever reason the virtual hosting server runs out of memory space or some process freezes, they shall examine what caused the issue and will then reboot the hosting machine to restore all system processes and the proper functioning of any site or offline app that you have on the server. With this service you'll not need to keep track of your VPS at all times or pay for high-priced third-party services from other organizations which can alert you about a problem, but are unable to resolve it.

Monitoring and Rebooting in Dedicated Servers

It will take you a couple of mouse clicks to add the Managed Services package to the dedicated server plan which you have selected and our seasoned group of administrators will begin monitoring the machine closely to make certain that it's working properly at all times. A number of automated checks shall also be added, so they will be aware of any problem the instant it appears. High Processor load, an application using far too much memory or a system process which has stopped responding are only a few good examples of the issues which we can keep an eye for and fix once the reason for their appearance is determined. If needed, the dedicated hosting server shall also be restarted, so you won't have to do anything whatsoever on your end. With this service you'll not need to pay to third-party monitoring organizations that are only able to alert you if anything goes wrong but do not have the access to deal with a problem.