Zend Optimizer in Shared Hosting
Zend Optimizer is installed on all the servers which are a part of our state-of-the-art cloud hosting platform. Regardless of which shared hosting you acquire, you can use the software instrument so that any kind of script application that requires it will function properly as part of your account. Using a handy tool from the Advanced section of the Hepsia Control Panel which is provided with all of the hosting accounts, you will be able to activate and deactivate different functions with a button. Zend Optimizer is one of them, so even if this is your first web hosting account ever, you won't experience any difficulties. In the same area you can also pick the PHP release for your account - 4 and several versions of 5, and each time you move to one that you haven't used yet, you can activate Zend Optimizer for it with a single click. Because our platform enables you to use a couple of PHP versions at once, more advanced users can activate the tool for a specific website with a php.ini file in a specific domain folder as well.
Zend Optimizer in Semi-dedicated Servers
We provide Zend Optimizer with all of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting service. It's installed on our revolutionary cloud platform, so if any script-driven app that you'd like to use requires it to function, you just have to activate it with a click from your Hepsia Control Panel. You'll find Zend in the PHP Configuration area where you can also change the PHP version which your hosting account uses. For each and every new release that you set, simply click on the On button for Zend Optimizer and you'll be all set. Hepsia will remember your selection for previously used releases of PHP, which means that you will not need to do that every time. In case you have more experience, you can take advantage of the flexibility of our cloud platform and employ a php.ini file in order to set another PHP release and enable/disable Zend Optimizer for a particular domain name without the need of altering the settings for the whole semi-dedicated server account.